Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Moving Day!

At last, I am up and running at my new site, and am excited to start posting more regularly again, and to offer a variety of content, including interviews, book reviews, and much more.

I am so appreciate of your readership and support, and have a few brief requests for you.

Can you visit A Chronic Dose at its new home, and update your readers/feeds by using the subscription box provided there?

I also have a new Facebook page to consolidate information on both of my books, including book events and readings, publications, and fresh content relevant to the patient community. I would love it if you'd take a moment and "like" the new page by clicking here.

And lastly, can you leave comments at the new site if you run into any glitches?

Thanks so much!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have updated your link on to the new site. Check it out here:

Kendra Isola

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