Dayna at A Bug’s Life is a new reader of mine who not only runs a wonderful blog about parenting children with chronic illness but also tagged me recently with another Thinking Blogger Award for this post—thanks so much!
In the spirit of discovering new blogs, the five sites I have selected for Thinking Blogger Awards are either fairly new to me, fairly new to the blogosphere, or both:
Hemodynamics: Joe is a first-year intern in a large academic hospital. He also happens to be an eloquent writer who contributes to NPR and is writing a book, among many other pursuits. Check out what a powerful combination that is.
Sick Momma: Aviva is a longtime journalist who is now a stay-at-home mom. Or she was, until a serious illness suddenly took over her life in June of 2007. Now’s she on a path to figure out what’s wrong with her and make some sense of all the changes—and she does it with honest, engaging prose.
I’d Like to Buy A Vowel: As you can see from her blog’s name, Alicia approaches living with a not-so-funny chronic illness with witty, sarcastic aplomb, and her musings are compellingly universal yet specific to her. You’ll love the voice here.
A Medical Mystery: JC might have a rare disease and her fair share of medical mysteries, but she’s also got a good sense of humor and a lot to say about being what some people have called “that girl with the bone thing.”
Respiratory Therapy Cave: Freadom is a respiratory therapist. RTs are a huge part of my life, both inpatient and outpatient, and it’s really interesting to see the perspective from the other side—especially when the writing is thoughtful and honest.
For the winners:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to five blogs that make you think. 2. Link to the blog so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme. 3. Proudly display the “Thinking Blogger Award” with a link to the your original post
Hey Laurie--thanks so much for the props! It's going to take me a while to be able to pass on the meme... but I appreciate your kind words.
Also, it took me a long time to respond to a comment of yours, but I did respond: http://hemodynamics.blogspot.com/2007/09/take-it-to-limits-one-more-time.html
if you're ever in the mood I'd be curious to know what you think of this...
Laurie, I can't tell you how much this meant to me!
Your blog was one of the first I started reading after getting sick, and I find you so inspirational.
Yeah, back in my old life, I used to get periodic kudos for my writing, but blogging is so much more personal than working for a wire service.
Anyway, thanks for the so kind words, and for noticing that I was out there. :)
Yes, thanks Laurie! I second what Joe and Aviva have said. It is really nice to be recognized by someone whose writing I admire.
Thanks very much for the plug. I never thought when I started this I'd have so many people interested in what I write. It certainly is nice to be recognized. So, I suppose this means I'm tagged, hey.
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