I am very pleased--and quite humbled--to announce that A Chronic Dose was named a finalist in the Best Literary Medical Weblog category. To even be in the running with such wonderful sites is an honor, and I thank you very much. Click Here to visit Medgadget and vote. The polls are now open, so click over and cast your vote!
I found you through the website on medical weblog Awards.
Just wanted to say I like your blog. I am also what you might call ....complicated *wink*
I think doctors say that when they get overwhelmed. It's a nice way of saying "But wait! They told me these diseases existed, but are so rare you'll never have to treat one!!! How did you make your way into MY office?"
I have lupus (not so uncommon) with fibromyalgia (still not so uncommon) but then .. I have myasthenia gravis ... aha ..and there we get complicated.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, insulin resistant, metabolic syndrome, blood pressure/cholesterol ...and it all starts to cycle into one big
Thankfully, they like me *whew* even if my body does give them challenges. That, along with balancing my medications management ...
managing it is worse than a spendaholics checkbook!
Congrats & well deserved! Your blog is terrific.
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